Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Be An Entrepreneur

Tips to be a successful entrepreneur

Start ideating and executing: If you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to come up with your own ideas, instead of relying on others (like your employees or business associates). And once you get an idea, you need to start executing it and putting it to action, instead of just making presentation, slideshows and blue prints!
Be more confident: One of the most crucial qualities that every person who wants to get into business should have is self-confidence. You need to believe in your abilities and should be able to solve your business-related problems without being intimidated. Also, don't get bogged down is someone tries to put you down. After all, if you want to mint money, it will only happen if you are thoroughly convinced about yourself and your abilities.

Don't give up easily: If you believe in an idea or an opinion that concerns your business and know that it is the right thing to do, don't give up on it, even if others around you are sceptical about it. You have to be fearless about an idea and stick to your guns, even if people try to change your opinion.

How to become a entrepreneur in india
There is no straight road that you can take to become an entrepreneur but yes there some ways in which you can try to fulfill this dream.
1.      If you belong to a business family and business runs in your blood you can be an entrepreneur. If you join the existing business you are more of a business manager, it is only when you start a new business line / expand / find news markets etc that you become an entrepreneur.
2.      There are some examples of people who started success full enterprises without much education like Dhirubhai Ambani but the numbers are less.
3.      Today’s breed of entrepreneurs is different. A recent report by says that every year 200 IIM graduates take up entrepreneurship and 1600 IIT students annually turn entrepreneurs (Although IITs train students to become engineers and IIMs train them to manage businesses the environment of creativity and innovation that these Top institutes provide is perhaps the reason for such large number of new generation entrepreneurs with IIT or IIM background). So getting trained at some of these Top institutes in another way to become an entrepreneur.
4.      Then there are some others who are actually professionals and end up being entrepreneurs like you are a trained chef and start a successful restaurant chain or you are a lawyer and start your own law firm. Like that you can take up professional course can become an entrepreneur.  
Now what route you should take is a big question. There are only a few formal courses  that can help you become an entrepreneur. There are courses at PG level like PG Diploma in entrepreneurship and Business schools also offer this as a module in the Business management course but at UG level there are not many courses.  There is no course in school that teaches you this apart from the elective in Entrepreneurship that CBSE offers or electives like fashion designing , cookery etc that CISCE offers. So here ere are some pointers for you to begin
1.      Educate yourself (There are only handfuls that dropped out of school and made successful businesses the others are educated).
2.      Have a business idea, if it is not an original idea no problem but it should solve an existing problem in a different way or could be a refined and better version of an existing business idea ( Think Google, face book).
3.      Be skilled. You must have the aptitude, good communication skills, analytical skills and foresight to be successful.
4.      Be connected. A strong network of people is the biggest asset that you can have. You can bounce of ideas and who knows you may raise money for your venture through the network.
5.      Last but not the least. Be determined. Entrepreneurship is not for the weak hearted. You may initially face failures but if your idea clicks you are done.
All The Best

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