Monday, 3 October 2016


Steps for a Successful Interview

YOU are the overall package you are selling. To be successful, you need to know: WHO you are, WHAT skills are important to the client, and WHY a company should invest in you.
To ensure that your interview presentation is smooth and concise, compose and practice giving a two-minute talk about yourself.

Interview Preparation

This is one of the most important steps in interviewing. Before each interview, FAST will coach you and provide detailed information about the client and the available position. However, you need to take additional steps in this process:
  1. Conduct your own research about the company.
  2. Review your own accomplishments, skills, and experience.
  3. Prepare an explanation about your career and reason for making a change.

First Impression

Initial impressions are made within the first minute of an interview. To make a positive first impression:
  1. Be immaculate in your appearance.
  2. Wear color-coordinated professional attire.
  3. Give a firm handshake.
  4. Provide fresh copies of your resume to the interviewer.
  5. Maintain good eye contact throughout the interview.

Highlight Strengths / Skills

Most interviews will follow a basic pattern in which the client determines your strengths and weaknesses. You need to:
  1. Highlight the strengths of your individual qualities as well as your ability to work on team projects by giving specific examples of each.
  2. Address the interviewer’s concerns sincerely and share a self-improvement plan.

Enthusiasm and Confidence

Being enthusiastic about your abilities, the client, and potential opportunity helps convince the interviewer that you are a viable candidate. Throughout the interview:
  1. Be confident--but not egotistical.
  2. Answer interviewer’s questions thoughtfully and in detail.
  3. Prepare answers to anticipated questions about your experience and interests.

Ask Questions

The interview should be a two-way process.  In order to determine if the opportunity will be the right career move for you, ask questions about topics such as responsibilities, expectations, training, support, evaluation, and company goals.

Do not Discuss

Typically you should NOT discuss salary: FAST will negotiate the best possible compensation package for you. You must decide how to approach the salary question with your recruiter before the interview.

Ask for the Position

Before you leave the interview, explain why you are interested in the position and how your abilities will benefit the company.  Ask how to proceed to the next step in the hiring process.

Steps to Take After the Interview

Send a brief note of thanks after the interview.

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